About ARB

ARB’s Regulatory Role

We were established by the Architects Act 1997, which sets out our statutory remit, and regulate the architects’ profession in the UK as well as act as the UK’s competent authority for the profession in Europe. We are funded in the main by an annual fee paid by architects to be on our Register but are also supported by other fees such as those from prospective architects in relation to their examinations or registration with us. Our work ensures good standards are maintained for the benefit of the public and architects alike.


Main Duties

Our primary purpose is to deliver the Architects Act 1997, which defines our main functions as:

  • Maintaining a UK Register of Architects
  • Setting the UK standards, qualifications and practical training required for entry to the Register
  • Issuing a code setting out the standards of conduct and practice for architects
  • Investigating complaints against the competence or conduct of architects
  • Protecting the use of the title ‘architect’ against misuse
  • Acting as the UK’s Competent Authority for architects

Key Objectives

Our Board has identified two key objectives which underpin all of our work:

  • Protect the users and potential users of architects’ services
  • Support architects through regulation


With our remit, duties and objectives in mind, we formulate our priorities and currently work to our Statement of Priorities 2017-2020. In determining our work for the year ahead we take these priorities into account.

Annual Business Plan

Our Annual Business Plan reflects our duties and objectives and moves forward the priorities identified by the Board. Our management team reviews the Plan on a monthly basis and reports on performance at various points in the year. An annual report showing our performance against the Business Plan is given at the first Board meeting after the year end.

More information about ARB and our regulatory role can be found on our website www.arb.org.uk.